the mystery here is why most of them are not affected y this experimentation while TV boys are. Where is the ifference? Is it something in the body chemistry? Is something inborn? Is it some expression of something king acquired, and if so, how can it appear so early in me TV's lives? Is what makes it so, the mind of the IV boy? Is it different from that of the non-TV? This is entirely skipped by Dr. Iris.

The goes on to say that this early encounter is definitely related to the sex energy of the individual and describes is an intrinsic part of this first stage the element of sex- ul stimulation. I ask, where does Dr. Iris leave those

IV's who do not find any sexual stimulation at all in Vism, at any time in their lives? Can they be left out of the picture? I am afraid that this Sexual Stage loes not completely cover the individual picture. I yould say that there is sex stimulation and the individ- al just stays at that point, then we are not dealing with [Vism, but with a basic form of fetichism and nothing rise. True, we do find TV's who fit Dr. Iris' classifi- ation, but we must look for a wider theory that won't eave out those who are not erotically aroused by feminine Jarments. Dr. Iris is too Freudian for my taste. The sex rive is a powerful one in the human being, but it is NOT the ONLY powerful force within us and I take exception to . Iris assumption that artistic creativity religious Love, are "examples of this sex energy" diverted into other thannels. Surely there are instances where Dr. Iris' theory lits, but she is squeezing reality too much to make it fit eatly into her category. Jung and Adler, as Dr. Iris well knows, did not confer upon the sex drive the trememdous importance that Freud attached to it. Dr. Iris wonders which one of her personalities wrote what parts of her article. I think that the doctor wrote about the first and that Iris wrote about the third. Therefore I congratu- late Iris for her beautiful statement: "by creating this Woman in the mirror we have actually done a bit of divine juggling." And finally, a bit of advice. Why not try and let Iris delve a little longer on that first stage", may be she could come up with a better answer than the one given by the doctor with such a simplified prescription.


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Now, back to bits of conversations recently held among friends. Somehow, there seems to be a large percentage of engineers among TV's. Our friend Sheila, being one herself, recalls that as a student, there was a College
